Elements 05.05.2013

el·e·ment (noun)
A component or constituent of a whole 
or one of the parts into which a whole 
may be resolved by analysis.

  •  My apartment caught on fire when I was 26. Flames licked the windows, rooms filled with smoke, and sooty water poured through the light fixtures to destroy anything that wasn’t burnt to a crisp. To this day, I have a fear of fire alarms. Whether in my home, the apartment across the hall, or the restaurant across the street, a fire alarm can spiral me quickly into a panic attack.
  • When I was 15, my cat had an ear infection that quickly spread to her brain. In her last days she took to sleeping behind the wood stove where it was warm and quiet. I gathered my pillow and quilt, squeezed in, and slept there with her for a week until she passed away.
  • There are a few years of my life where I ate food from the trash almost exclusively.
  • There is a part of my brain and heart that makes me hyper-able to see the goodness in people. It makes me fall in love hard, with every molecule of myself. Often to my near-demise.
  • By the time I graduated, I had lived in eleven homes (spanning 2 countries and 3 states), and attended eight different schools. That’s a new school approximately every year and a half.
  • Since graduating high school, I have lived in fourteen homes in three different states. Habits die hard.

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