Evenings: 09.06.2013

I want you to experience this.  I’m writing this to touch you.  I want these words read and I want them to cause an effect.  It’s metaphorical and literal. Sit. Focus.

I want you to experience this. I want you to practice this.

I want you to come out of the reclusiveness of the evening and the hideout of the night. Be born into the break of dawn and expose yourselves.

If you are in need, reach out.

If you are hurting, ask for a shoulder.

If you are struggling, seek out aid.

I’m telling you now, you have the power and ability to achieve your goals and meet your needs.  My gift to you today is this.  You are not alone.  

Do not hide your shame in the cloak of the darkness.  The night time in which we cry and scream and hurt.  We save our financial crises for the evening, we save our emotional turmoil for closed doors, we smile and answer robotically to the “How are you”’s. Lying not exposing the truth. EXPOSE the truth.

I challenge you. When you are asked this question or when you ask it….Listen, tell the truth,  be present. We are all in this together and everyone needs something.  

I will let it start with me. Don't let it end with you. 

1 comment:

  1. Melody, I LOVE this. So beautiful and what a powerful challenge. Thank you.
