Harvest: 09.24.2013

Fall is my favorite time of year. Gone are the oppressive days of summer. My lungs can finally breath freely without feeling like I am under some immense weight. The end of summer is like the wakening from a feverish, fitful sleep.

Every year I take in all this season has to teach me. This year, I feel I need the lesson more so.

I watch as the leaves turn celebratory colors. Oranges and reds announce the end of time on their tree. Soon they will let go and silently dance their way to the foot of their beloved home. They will lie there, together, decomposing. The leaves are not sad to go and the tree is not sad to let go. The colors they show in celebration are of a new beginning. Without their demise the tree would not have the nutrients it needs to grow new leaves come spring. There is no end. No beginning. It is a cycle with each precious piece dependent on the other.

A leaf falls to my lap. I look at how beautiful it is and think of all the other leaves that went into this beauty. How many does it take to supply the tree with enough food? Ultimately, the number doesn't matter. It takes all of them. However many that might be.

I realize that I found the lesson I needed. I need to let go. Let go of fear and of anger. I need to have faith that I am part of something bigger. There is no end, no beginning, just a continuation of what has always been and what will always be.

Gone are the oppressive days of summer. My lungs can finally breathe freely. I have awoken to the bountiful harvest of fall and feel like a better me.

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