Heart: 10.01.2013

Following your heart is the hardest damn thing you can do. When it goes wrong it goes life shattering wrong. But, when it goes right? Magic.

 It was nearly 12 years ago that I last allowed my heart to be broken. We had been friends and I foolishly believed that could translate into a functional and successful long distance relationship. I may have been the only one surprised when it all fell apart.

I promptly picked myself up and pieced my heart back together. I allowed the time it needed to heal properly, without the risk of permanent scarring. I stood on my own two feet and decided to fall for myself. If I couldn’t love me, why the hell would anyone else?

Before I knew it I was in love with the man who would become my husband. I allowed my heart to guide me. I was confident it wouldn’t be wrong. I had worked too hard to love myself to doubt anything.

It was the best decision of my life. Next week, we will celebrate seven years of marriage. 11 and a half years of love. I can honestly say, loving my husband has been the easiest thing I have ever done. It has also been the most fulfilling thing.

That easy love has blossomed into a family. Our daughter. Our love, my faith in my heart, personified. Every time I hear her laugh I am reminded of all the hard work that went into myself. Of all the hours I spent alone, forcing myself to appreciate who I am.

I still struggle sometimes. But when I falter, when I doubt, I look around at the life we created. The life my heart built.

©Lucinda Lovering

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