Letting Go: 09.17.2013

The end of the summer is on the horizon.The weather here has already made it's shift from humid to crisp. There is a scent in the air that makes every ounce of my being feel hopeful and renewed.

I am happy to watch the mercury fall and the summer slip away. It was one of the hardest of my life. There was an enormous amount of change that I didn't cope with very well. I didn't adapt the way I would have liked. I didn't go with the ebbs and the flows. I fought. I hung on. I slipped away from who I am and who I want to be.

Good bye summer. I will happily let you go.

I will let go of my expectations. I will offer a hand to those I isolated up there and help them down. It is unfair to leave them there with my unrealistic expectations of perfection. As I help them down I will allow myself to come down as well. I will leave perfection for myths and fairy tales. I will embrace my reality with it's many flaws. I will find perfection in all that is imperfect.

I will let go of my emotions. Emotions that I keep bound and caged, away from the eyes of others. I will allow myself to feel exactly how I feel without apology or embarrassment. I will be gentle on myself and no longer beat myself up for being human.

I will let go of grudges and hurt feelings. I will allow myself to feel them but I will no longer dwell on the things I cannot change. I will move forward and only look back with a smile.

I will let go of fear. Fear of rejection, fear of ridicule, fear of being afraid. It ruled my life this fear. It is time to let go. Just let it go.

As the cool breeze falls across my face I let it all go. I let go of past mistakes, bad decisions, hurt feelings. I let go of it all. I let it go to wherever the thick humid summer air is going. I don't apologize. I don't regret.

I just let it go.

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